In the recent months, supporters of gay rights and equality and grown by leaps and bounds. I, and many of you, I'm sure, thank those for their support whole heartily. But one of our longest supporters is in need of our help too. JC Penny has long been a supporter of equality and they have done so conspicuously and not in subtle undertones. JC Penny's niche has long been to bridge the gap between discount stores and high end retailers. With the punch to the gut our economy has taken, those hardest hit are those crossover stores. But rather then touting the real reason for the struggles, those who oppose equality are saying that the decline in revenue for the stores is due to their support for us. It is high time we show Penny's the same love they have shown us. If each of us who are effected by bigotry and prejudice would spend $5 a month, we can turn things around for one of our biggest allies. (Of course more would be cool too.) But I think it would kill two birds with 1 five dollar bill. We can show some love, and we can show just how many of us are out there and how our money speaks just as loud. JC Penny's biggest competition is Kohl's which has refused to support the equality efforts. Let's show them what they stand to lose by standing still. Love to all, especially our supporters.
Burly Bear Chris
My thoughts, opinions, observations, and sometimes just complete randomness.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Know What You Are Celebrating: Easter
Thank you to's_box/easter-history.html for the following information.
Easter : History and Traditions
Goddess Ostara
History of Easter Eggs
History of the Easter Bunny
Goddess Ishtar and the First Resurrection
Easter History : Christian and Pagan Traditions Interwoven
The history of Easter reveals rich associations between the Christian faith and the seemingly unrelated practices of the early pagan religions. Easter history and traditions that we practice today evolved from pagan symbols, from the ancient goddess Ishtar to Easter eggs and the Easter bunny.
Easter, perhaps the most important of the Christian holidays, celebrates the Christ's resurrection from the dead following his death on Good Friday. . . a rebirth that is commemorated around the vernal equinox, historically a time of pagan celebration that coincides with the arrival of spring and symbolizes the arrival of light and the awakening of life around us.
Ostara, Goddess of Spring and the Dawn (Oestre / Eastre)
Easter is named for a Saxon goddess who was known by the names of Oestre or Eastre, and in Germany by the name of Ostara. She is a goddess of the dawn and the spring, and her name derives from words for dawn, the shining light arising from the east. Our words for the "female hormone" estrogen derives from her name.
Ostara was, of course, a fertility goddess. Bringing in the end of winter, with the days brighter and growing longer after the vernal equinox, Ostara had a passion for new life. Her presence was felt in the flowering of plants and the birth of babies, both animal and human. The rabbit (well known for its propensity for rapid reproduction) was her sacred animal.
Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny both featured in the spring festivals of Ostara, which were initially held during the feasts of the goddess Ishtar | Inanna. Eggs are an obvious symbol of fertility, and the newborn chicks an adorable representation of new growth. Brightly colored eggs, chicks, and bunnies were all used at festival time to express appreciation for Ostara's gift of abundance.
History of Easter Eggs and Easter Candy
The history of Easter Eggs as a symbol of new life should come as no surprise. The notion that the Earth itself was hatched from an egg was once widespread and appears in creation stories ranging from Asian to Ireland.
Eggs, in ancient times in Northern Europe, were a potent symbol of fertility and often used in rituals to guarantee a woman's ability to bear children. To this day rural "grannywomen" (lay midwives/healers in the Appalachian mountains) still use eggs to predict, with uncanny accuracy, the sex of an unborn child by watching the rotation of an egg as it is suspended by a string over the abdomen of a pregnant woman.
Dyed eggs are given as gifts in many cultures. Decorated eggs bring with them a wish for the prosperity of the abundance during the coming year.
Folklore suggests that Easter egg hunts arose in Europe during "the Burning Times", when the rise of Christianity led to the shunning (and persecution) of the followers of the "Old Religion". Instead of giving the eggs as gifts the adults made a game of hiding them, gathering the children together and encouraging them to find the eggs.
Some believe that the authorities seeking to find the "heathens" would follow or bribe the children to reveal where they found the eggs so that the property owner could be brought to justice.
Green Eggs . . .
. . . and Ham???
The meat that is traditionally associated with Easter is ham. Though some might argue that ham is served at Easter since it is a "Christian" meat, (prohibited for others by the religious laws of Judaism and Islam) the origin probably lies in the early practices of the pagans of Northern Europe.
Having slaughtered and preserved the meat of their agricultural animals during the Blood Moon celebrations the previous autumn so they would have food throughout the winter months, they would celebrate the occasion by using up the last of the remaining cured meats.
In anticipation that the arrival of spring with its emerging plants and wildlife would provide them with fresh food in abundance, it was customary for many pagans to begin fasting at the time of the vernal equinox, clearing the "poisons" (and excess weight) produced by the heavier winter meals that had been stored in their bodies over the winter. Some have suggested that the purpose of this fasting may have been to create a sought-after state of "altered consciousness" in time for the spring festivals. One cannot but wonder if this practice of fasting might have been a forerunner of "giving up" foods during the Lenten season.
Chocolate Easter bunnies and eggs, marshmallow chicks in pastel colors, and candy of all sorts, most of which are given out as personalized gifts during Easter . . . these have pagan origins as well! To understand their association with religion we need to examine the meaning of food as a symbol.
The ancient belief that, by eating something we take on its characteristics formed the basis for the earliest "blessings" before meals (a way to honor the life that had been sacrificed so that we as humans could enjoy life) and, presumably, for the more recent Christian sacrament of communion as well.
Shaping candy Easter eggs and bunnies to celebrate the spring festival was, simply put, a way to celebrate the symbols of the goddess and the season, while laying claim to their strengths (vitality, growth, and fertility) for ourselves.
The Goddess Ostara and the Easter Bunny
Feeling guilty about arriving late one spring, the Goddess Ostara saved the life of a poor bird whose wings had been frozen by the snow. She made him her pet or, as some versions have it, her lover. Filled with compassion for him since he could no longer fly (in some versions, it was because she wished to amuse a group of young children), Ostara turned him into a snow hare and gave him the gift of being able to run with incredible speed so he could protect himself from hunters.
In remembrance of his earlier form as a bird, she also gave him the ability to lay eggs (in all the colors of the rainbow, no less), but only on one day out of each year.
Eventually the hare managed to anger the goddess Ostara, and she cast him into the skies where he would remain as the constellation Lepus (The Hare) forever positioned under the feet of the constellation Orion (the Hunter). He was allowed to return to earth once each year, but only to give away his eggs to the children attending the Ostara festivals that were held each spring. The tradition of the Easter Bunny had begun.
The Hare was sacred in many ancient traditions and was associated with the moon goddesses and the various deities of the hunt. In ancient times eating the Hare was prohibited except at Beltane (Celts) and the festival of Ostara (Anglo-Saxons), when a ritual hare-hunt would take place.
In many cultures rabbits, like eggs, were considered to be potent remedies for fertility problems. The ancient philosopher-physician Pliny the Elder prescribed rabbit meat as a cure for female sterility, and in some cultures the genitals of a hare were carried to avert barrenness.
Medieval Christians considered the hare to bring bad fortune, saying witches changed into rabbits in order to suck the cows dry. It was claimed that a witch could only be killed by a silver crucifix or a bullet when she appeared as a hare.
Given their "mad" leaping and boxing displays during mating season as well as their ability to produce up to 42 offspring each spring, it is understandable that they came to represent lust, sexuality, and excess in general. Medieval Christians considered the hare to be an evil omen, believing that witches changed into rabbits in order to suck the cows dry. It was claimed that a witch could only be killed by a silver crucifix or a bullet when she appeared as a hare.
In later Christian tradition the white Hare, when depicted at the Virgin Mary's feet, represents triumph over lust or the flesh. The rabbit's vigilance and speed came to represent the need to flee from sin and temptation and a reminder of the swift passage of life.
And, finally, there is a sweet Christian legend about a young rabbit who, for three days, waited anxiously for his friend, Jesus, to return to the Garden of Gethsemane, not knowing what had become of him. Early on Easter morning, Jesus returned to His favorite garden and was welcomed the little rabbit. That evening when the disciples came into the garden to pray, still unaware of the resurrection, they found a clump of beautiful larkspurs, each blossom bearing the image of a rabbit in its center as a remembrance of the little creature's hope and faith.
Ishtar, Goddess of Love, and the First Resurrection (also known as Inanna)
Ishtar, goddess of romance, procreation, and war in ancient Babylon, was also worshipped as the Sumerian goddess Inanna. One of the great goddesses, or "mother goddesses", the stories of her descent to the Underworld and the resurrection that follows are contained in the oldest writings that have ever been discovered. . . the Babylonian creation myth Enuma Elish and the story of Gilgamesh. Scholars believed that they were based on the oral mythology of the region and were recorded about 2,100 B.C.E.
The most famous of the myths of Ishtar tell of her descent into the realm of the dead to rescue her young lover, Tammuz, a Vegetation god forced to live half the year in the Underworld. Ishtar approached the gates of the Underworld, which was ruled by her twin sister Eresh-kigel, the goddess of death and infertility. She was refused admission.
Similar to the Greek myths of Demeter and Persephone that came later, during Ishtar's absence the earth grew barren since all acts of procreation ceased while she was away. Ishtar screamed and ranted that she would break down the gates and release all of the dead to overwhelm the world and compete with the living for the remaining food unless she was allowed to enter and plead her case with her twin.
Needless to say, she won admission. But the guard, following standard protocol, refused to let her pass through the first gate unless she removed her crown. At the next gate, she had to remove her earrings, then her necklace at the next, removing her garments and proud finery until she stood humbled and naked after passing through the seventh (and last) gate.
In one version, she was held captive and died but was brought back to life when her servant sprinkled her with the "water of life". In the more widely known version of the myth, Ishtar's request was granted and she regained all of her attire and possessions as she slowly re-emerged through the gates of darkness.
Upon her return, Tammuz and the earth returned to life. Annual celebrations of this "Day of Joy", were held each year around the time of the vernal equinox. These celebrations became the forerunners of the Ostara festivals that welcomed Oestre and the arrival of spring.
A section on the Goddess Inanna (the Sumerian version of the Goddess Ishtar), her myths and symbols, is included with the myths of the goddesses at this website.
Easter eggs, the Easter Bunny, the dawn that arrives with resurrection of life, and the celebration of spring all serve to remind us of the cycle of rebirth and the need for renewal in our lives. In the history of Easter, Christian and pagan traditions are gracefully interwoven.
Knowledge is power. Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Easter : History and Traditions
Goddess Ostara
History of Easter Eggs
History of the Easter Bunny
Goddess Ishtar and the First Resurrection
Easter History : Christian and Pagan Traditions Interwoven
The history of Easter reveals rich associations between the Christian faith and the seemingly unrelated practices of the early pagan religions. Easter history and traditions that we practice today evolved from pagan symbols, from the ancient goddess Ishtar to Easter eggs and the Easter bunny.
Easter, perhaps the most important of the Christian holidays, celebrates the Christ's resurrection from the dead following his death on Good Friday. . . a rebirth that is commemorated around the vernal equinox, historically a time of pagan celebration that coincides with the arrival of spring and symbolizes the arrival of light and the awakening of life around us.
Ostara, Goddess of Spring and the Dawn (Oestre / Eastre)
Easter is named for a Saxon goddess who was known by the names of Oestre or Eastre, and in Germany by the name of Ostara. She is a goddess of the dawn and the spring, and her name derives from words for dawn, the shining light arising from the east. Our words for the "female hormone" estrogen derives from her name.
Ostara was, of course, a fertility goddess. Bringing in the end of winter, with the days brighter and growing longer after the vernal equinox, Ostara had a passion for new life. Her presence was felt in the flowering of plants and the birth of babies, both animal and human. The rabbit (well known for its propensity for rapid reproduction) was her sacred animal.
Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny both featured in the spring festivals of Ostara, which were initially held during the feasts of the goddess Ishtar | Inanna. Eggs are an obvious symbol of fertility, and the newborn chicks an adorable representation of new growth. Brightly colored eggs, chicks, and bunnies were all used at festival time to express appreciation for Ostara's gift of abundance.
History of Easter Eggs and Easter Candy
The history of Easter Eggs as a symbol of new life should come as no surprise. The notion that the Earth itself was hatched from an egg was once widespread and appears in creation stories ranging from Asian to Ireland.
Eggs, in ancient times in Northern Europe, were a potent symbol of fertility and often used in rituals to guarantee a woman's ability to bear children. To this day rural "grannywomen" (lay midwives/healers in the Appalachian mountains) still use eggs to predict, with uncanny accuracy, the sex of an unborn child by watching the rotation of an egg as it is suspended by a string over the abdomen of a pregnant woman.
Dyed eggs are given as gifts in many cultures. Decorated eggs bring with them a wish for the prosperity of the abundance during the coming year.
Folklore suggests that Easter egg hunts arose in Europe during "the Burning Times", when the rise of Christianity led to the shunning (and persecution) of the followers of the "Old Religion". Instead of giving the eggs as gifts the adults made a game of hiding them, gathering the children together and encouraging them to find the eggs.
Some believe that the authorities seeking to find the "heathens" would follow or bribe the children to reveal where they found the eggs so that the property owner could be brought to justice.
Green Eggs . . .
. . . and Ham???
The meat that is traditionally associated with Easter is ham. Though some might argue that ham is served at Easter since it is a "Christian" meat, (prohibited for others by the religious laws of Judaism and Islam) the origin probably lies in the early practices of the pagans of Northern Europe.
Having slaughtered and preserved the meat of their agricultural animals during the Blood Moon celebrations the previous autumn so they would have food throughout the winter months, they would celebrate the occasion by using up the last of the remaining cured meats.
In anticipation that the arrival of spring with its emerging plants and wildlife would provide them with fresh food in abundance, it was customary for many pagans to begin fasting at the time of the vernal equinox, clearing the "poisons" (and excess weight) produced by the heavier winter meals that had been stored in their bodies over the winter. Some have suggested that the purpose of this fasting may have been to create a sought-after state of "altered consciousness" in time for the spring festivals. One cannot but wonder if this practice of fasting might have been a forerunner of "giving up" foods during the Lenten season.
Chocolate Easter bunnies and eggs, marshmallow chicks in pastel colors, and candy of all sorts, most of which are given out as personalized gifts during Easter . . . these have pagan origins as well! To understand their association with religion we need to examine the meaning of food as a symbol.
The ancient belief that, by eating something we take on its characteristics formed the basis for the earliest "blessings" before meals (a way to honor the life that had been sacrificed so that we as humans could enjoy life) and, presumably, for the more recent Christian sacrament of communion as well.
Shaping candy Easter eggs and bunnies to celebrate the spring festival was, simply put, a way to celebrate the symbols of the goddess and the season, while laying claim to their strengths (vitality, growth, and fertility) for ourselves.
The Goddess Ostara and the Easter Bunny
Feeling guilty about arriving late one spring, the Goddess Ostara saved the life of a poor bird whose wings had been frozen by the snow. She made him her pet or, as some versions have it, her lover. Filled with compassion for him since he could no longer fly (in some versions, it was because she wished to amuse a group of young children), Ostara turned him into a snow hare and gave him the gift of being able to run with incredible speed so he could protect himself from hunters.
In remembrance of his earlier form as a bird, she also gave him the ability to lay eggs (in all the colors of the rainbow, no less), but only on one day out of each year.
Eventually the hare managed to anger the goddess Ostara, and she cast him into the skies where he would remain as the constellation Lepus (The Hare) forever positioned under the feet of the constellation Orion (the Hunter). He was allowed to return to earth once each year, but only to give away his eggs to the children attending the Ostara festivals that were held each spring. The tradition of the Easter Bunny had begun.
The Hare was sacred in many ancient traditions and was associated with the moon goddesses and the various deities of the hunt. In ancient times eating the Hare was prohibited except at Beltane (Celts) and the festival of Ostara (Anglo-Saxons), when a ritual hare-hunt would take place.
In many cultures rabbits, like eggs, were considered to be potent remedies for fertility problems. The ancient philosopher-physician Pliny the Elder prescribed rabbit meat as a cure for female sterility, and in some cultures the genitals of a hare were carried to avert barrenness.
Medieval Christians considered the hare to bring bad fortune, saying witches changed into rabbits in order to suck the cows dry. It was claimed that a witch could only be killed by a silver crucifix or a bullet when she appeared as a hare.
Given their "mad" leaping and boxing displays during mating season as well as their ability to produce up to 42 offspring each spring, it is understandable that they came to represent lust, sexuality, and excess in general. Medieval Christians considered the hare to be an evil omen, believing that witches changed into rabbits in order to suck the cows dry. It was claimed that a witch could only be killed by a silver crucifix or a bullet when she appeared as a hare.
In later Christian tradition the white Hare, when depicted at the Virgin Mary's feet, represents triumph over lust or the flesh. The rabbit's vigilance and speed came to represent the need to flee from sin and temptation and a reminder of the swift passage of life.
And, finally, there is a sweet Christian legend about a young rabbit who, for three days, waited anxiously for his friend, Jesus, to return to the Garden of Gethsemane, not knowing what had become of him. Early on Easter morning, Jesus returned to His favorite garden and was welcomed the little rabbit. That evening when the disciples came into the garden to pray, still unaware of the resurrection, they found a clump of beautiful larkspurs, each blossom bearing the image of a rabbit in its center as a remembrance of the little creature's hope and faith.
Ishtar, Goddess of Love, and the First Resurrection (also known as Inanna)
Ishtar, goddess of romance, procreation, and war in ancient Babylon, was also worshipped as the Sumerian goddess Inanna. One of the great goddesses, or "mother goddesses", the stories of her descent to the Underworld and the resurrection that follows are contained in the oldest writings that have ever been discovered. . . the Babylonian creation myth Enuma Elish and the story of Gilgamesh. Scholars believed that they were based on the oral mythology of the region and were recorded about 2,100 B.C.E.
The most famous of the myths of Ishtar tell of her descent into the realm of the dead to rescue her young lover, Tammuz, a Vegetation god forced to live half the year in the Underworld. Ishtar approached the gates of the Underworld, which was ruled by her twin sister Eresh-kigel, the goddess of death and infertility. She was refused admission.
Similar to the Greek myths of Demeter and Persephone that came later, during Ishtar's absence the earth grew barren since all acts of procreation ceased while she was away. Ishtar screamed and ranted that she would break down the gates and release all of the dead to overwhelm the world and compete with the living for the remaining food unless she was allowed to enter and plead her case with her twin.
Needless to say, she won admission. But the guard, following standard protocol, refused to let her pass through the first gate unless she removed her crown. At the next gate, she had to remove her earrings, then her necklace at the next, removing her garments and proud finery until she stood humbled and naked after passing through the seventh (and last) gate.
In one version, she was held captive and died but was brought back to life when her servant sprinkled her with the "water of life". In the more widely known version of the myth, Ishtar's request was granted and she regained all of her attire and possessions as she slowly re-emerged through the gates of darkness.
Upon her return, Tammuz and the earth returned to life. Annual celebrations of this "Day of Joy", were held each year around the time of the vernal equinox. These celebrations became the forerunners of the Ostara festivals that welcomed Oestre and the arrival of spring.
A section on the Goddess Inanna (the Sumerian version of the Goddess Ishtar), her myths and symbols, is included with the myths of the goddesses at this website.
Easter eggs, the Easter Bunny, the dawn that arrives with resurrection of life, and the celebration of spring all serve to remind us of the cycle of rebirth and the need for renewal in our lives. In the history of Easter, Christian and pagan traditions are gracefully interwoven.
Knowledge is power. Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Friday, March 29, 2013
Gay Marriage and Binational Relationships
I keep getting asked why is it so important for federal recognition of gay marriage and not just on the state level? There are over a thousand reasons. The number of benefits denied by not having federally recognized marriage is more accurately 1,138. I obviously cannot address each of these, but one of them that effects, or will effect, me the most is the failure to recognize binational marriages. It is no secret that my partner (And future husband) is not a citizen of the US. In his country, gay marriage is already legal. We have talked about getting married, and where we will live after. At this point, the only option would be for me to live there. He could not come here unless we went back and forth as his visas expired. If our marriage was federally recognized, then that would not be necessary. I think there is this huge misconception that binational couples only get married so one could get a US citizenship. There are, in fact, a few who do marry for this reason, but the majority of them do so for love, and that would no different in a gay marriage than a straight one. Although a handful of same sex couples have been given a reprieve from deportation, without federally recognized marriage, there is no guarantee as, for now at least, it simply depends on who is assigned the case and their personal view on the matter. Regardless of which country we decide to build our lives together in, it is a given that we will travel back and forth from time to time to visit family, and it is important to know that if something happens, our rights will be protected no matter where we are. At least in his country we will be. Should it be the same here? Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Burly Bear Chris
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Gay Marriage And The Economy
I have long touted the economic benefits of gay marriage. Now it seems, the news is finally chiming in on the subject. A recent study has suggested that wedding and marriage industry alone could get a boost well over the $9 billion range. That is just lawyers and wedding planners. Lets factor in the increased revenue from wedding license fees. NYC estimates it received a boost of $250 million since lifting the ban on gay marriage. Then you can add in the boost to the tourism dollar as more couples take their honeymoons. Housing would go up as more couples would feel more secure in purchasing a home together. Corporate America realized these benefits long before this. Why do you think you have been seeing more and more advertising with a more gay friendly approach? The most recent being the Amazon Kindle ad. Are the trying to tout their acceptance of all sexual orientations? No, they are simply wooing the all mighty dollar. There has much discussion, and misinterpretation, of a question posed to the CEO of Starbucks at a recent shareholders meeting regarding their support for gay marriage was good for the company's image. His reply? “If you feel, respectfully, that you can get a higher return than the 38% you got last year, it’s a free country,” Shultz replied. “You can sell your shares of Starbucks and buy shares in another company. Thank you very much.” The CEO of Goldman Sachs also put his money behind the Gay Marriage movement when he recorded a commercial stating, "America's corporations learned long ago that equality is just good business and is the right thing to do,” at least he added that it was the right thing to do. And these gentleman are right. I know I will pay close attention when I am making a decision on where to spend my money and I will not spend it in locations that use a part of it to take away or block my rights and civil liberties. So how about you? Will whether or not a company supports gay marriage effect your choice? Let me know in the comments section. Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Burly Bear Chris
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Creativity With Equality
There have been several people getting creative with their red HRC Equality logos
so today I thought I would show some of my favorites.
And of course, there is mine:
Remember, equality does not mean you lose your uniqueness. Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
so today I thought I would show some of my favorites.
And of course, there is mine:
Remember, equality does not mean you lose your uniqueness. Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
A Sea of Red
Looking at my social media sites today, I can't begin to describe the awesome feeling I get seeing all those who changed their profile pictures to red today. If you have ever been to Gay Days at Disneyland and walked in seeing all the people in their red shirts, it is much the same feeling. Its a feeling of community. A feeling of support. A feeling of knowing you are not alone. I know change is scary. I know change takes time. All I ask is that we be open to change. And by the looks of my Facebook wall, so many of you all are. I have had a few people actually send me messages asking me what all the red was about. I explained to them what was happening at the Supreme Court and why it was so important. A few proceeded to change theirs too. Equality is not just a gay issue. Equality is a human issue. The purpose of the icon changes is not only to show support, but to open dialog and educate. So instead of asking for comments today, I ask you all to show your support and go red! Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Burly Bear Chris
Monday, March 25, 2013
A Sudden Shift Not What It Seems
The waves of change are happening. There has been a major shift the the support for marriage equality. I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, but one has to wonder why the sudden change in Republican leaders stance on this issue. I wish I could say it was just a sudden awakening and doing what is right, however the truth may be a bit more sinister than that. Immediately after the last presidential election, Republican leaders went on record as saying they needed to bridge the gap and bring back followers that had been alienated by the parties views. In the past few months since the election, more then 100 republican leaders have shifted their stance on the issue. Here is a recent article from
Republicans crossing aisle on marriage equality
Republicans crossing aisle on marriage equality
More Republicans are crossing the aisle in regards to marriage equality, increasing the possibility that LGBT rights may become a bipartisan issue supported by both Democrats and GOPers.
The new year has seen a wave of prominent GOP members lending their voices to the marriage equality cause, including former governor of Utah and 2012 Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman, former Republican candidate for governor of California, Meg Whitman, and high-ranking officials from both the Reagan and Bush administrations.
On February 26, more than 100 Republicans signed a “Friend of the Court” brief in opposition to Proposition 8, a California law banning same-sex marriage. The brief, organized by the former chair of the Republican National Committee, Ken Mehlman, offered information and legal opinion about why same-sex couples should have the right to marry.
A broad swath of Republican Party members signed on, including those not normally associated with LGBT rights, have never spoken out on this issue before, or who even changed positions, such as Huntsman and Whitman.
As governor of Utah, Huntsman only supported civil unions in the past, but in an op-ed written for The American Conservative he argued that supporting same-sex marriage is consistent with conservative principles.
“All Americans should be treated equally under the law whether they marry in a church, another religious institution, or a town hall,” he wrote. “Civil equality is compatible with, and indeed promotes, freedom of conscience.”
Meg Whitman supported Proposition 8 while running for governor in 2009, but said in a LinkedIn blog “that there is no legitimate, fact-based reason for providing different legal treatment of committed relationships between same-sex couples. Laws like California’s Proposition 8 do not fortify traditional marriage; they merely prevent hundreds of thousands of children of same-sex couples from enjoying the benefits that accrue from marriage.”
Huntsman, Whitman, and other Republicans who support marriage equality are representative of a sudden shift in GOP ideology and rhetoric that has depicted same-sex marriage as an adversary to religious freedom and traditional marriage, and harmful to children.
Michael Klarman, a Harvard Law School Professor and author of “From the Closet to the Altar: Courts, Backlash, and the Struggle for Same-Sex Marriage” told NBC News that Republicans supporting marriage equality was “inconceivable” just two years ago, calling the recent shift an “incredibly important development.”
“The shift is pretty fast,” Political Science Professor at University of California, Berkely, Eric Schickler, told 429Magazine, “but it follows a pretty fast shift in public opinion. When Republicans were firmly against same-sex marriage, the public was as well.”
Americans are becoming increasingly accepting of same-sex marriage. The latest Gallup Poll conducted in December 2012 reported that 53 percent of people favor legalizing marriage for gay and lesbian couples, up from 42 percent in 2004.
Another 2013 poll conducted by Anzalone Liszt Grove Research reported that 75 percent of voters believe that the freedom to marry is a constitutional right, and 83 percent believe that marriage for same-sex couples will become legal nationwide in the next decade, a double-digit increase in voters’ opinions on this issue in just two years.
Schickler adds that thanks to growing bipartisan support of marriage equality, Republicans who may have privately supported marriage equality are now “politically free” to support it openly.
Republican LGBT organizations have embraced their party’s newfound support of marriage equality.
“Republicans who support freedom to marry for gays and lesbian couples can no longer be dismissed as a small fringe group of the party,” Executive Director of the Log Cabin Republicans, Gregory T. Angelo told 429Magazine.
“This is one more example of how conservatives are thinking about this issue differently,” Executive Director of GOProud Jimmy LaSalvia told 429Magazine.
“Their conservative principles and values are leading more and more conservatives to support civil marriage for gay couples.”
The surge in mainstream Republican support and public opinion polls concerning same-sex marriage has energized marriage equality advocates, especially those who politically identify as conservative. But many congressional Republicans, still committed to the status quo, remain in opposition to the idea of marriage outside of a heterosexual relationship.
In January, House GOP leadership authorized $3 million to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, a federal law which defines marriage as between a man and woman.
John Feehery, a Republican Strategist and former House leadership aide, said of House Speaker John Boehner’s anti-marriage equality stance, “I doubt very seriously he is going to change his position.”
The division between Republicans who support marriage equality and the traditional party platform, which officially denounces same-sex marriage, may lead to an internal gridlock among party members.
However, experts believe that marriage equality is an impending reality, and even add that GOP members should embrace it as a conservative notion for the sake of the party’s own survival.
Huntsman communicated this message in his op-ed, pointing out that changing demographics in America means that Republicans can no longer afford to isolate minority groups with non-inclusive political stances.
“Republicans in the last election did more poorly among Latinos than they have in the past,” said Schickler in concurrance. “They already lost the African-American vote a long time ago. Gays and lesbians are another block of voters and Republicans are asking themselves, do we want to write them off?
“This is where the future is heading. Even if right now you can still win an election with an anti-same-sex marriage stance, over time there are going to be fewer and fewer places where this is an appealing position.”
So as the old adage says, beware of strangers with candy. Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Sunday, March 24, 2013
An Important Week Ahead
This is an incredibly important week coming. This week the US Supreme Court will begin hearing the arguments regarding the constitutionality of not one, but two issues that seek out to limit the rights of the LGBT community. California's Prop 8 and the DOMA act. I think the American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER) outlines the cases best:

The Cases
The U.S. Supreme Court is considering two cases that deal with marriage equality for gay and lesbian Americans.
On Tuesday, March 26, the Court will hear oral argument in Hollingsworth v. Perry, AFER’s federal constitutional challenge to California’s Proposition 8. Two couples, Kris Perry & Sandy Stier and Paul Katami & Jeff Zarrillo, are represented by Ted Olson and David Boies, who argue that Prop. 8 violates the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.Learn more about the Perry case >
On Wednesday, March 27, the Court will hear oral argument in United States v. Windsor, a challenge to the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the 1996 law that prevents the federal government from recognizing the legal marriages of gay and lesbian couples in states with marriage equality. The case involves Edie Windsor, an 83-year-old widow who was forced to pay $363,000 in estate taxes after her wife died, a tax she would not have to pay if she was married to a man. Represented by the ACLU, Ms. Windsor claims that DOMA violates her right to equal protection of the laws.
The Court
The building that houses the U.S. Supreme Court was erected between 1932 and 1935. Prior, the Court was housed in various buildings including the U.S. Capitol. The building was designed by architect Cass Gilbert (1859 –1934), who also created numerous skyscrapers, museums (Saint Louis Art Museum) and libraries (Saint Louis Public Library), state capitol buildings (the Minnesota, Arkansas and West Virginia State Capitols).
The nine Justices are seated by seniority. The Chief Justice occupies the center chair, the senior Associate Justice sits to his right, the second senior to his left, and so on, alternating right and left by seniority.
Following Along
While cameras and live updates are prohibited inside the courtroom, audio of the proceedings will be made available shortly after oral argument concludes on each day. The Supreme Court has said that audio will be released by 1 p.m. EDT on Tuesday and 2 p.m. EDT on Wednesday. Seating inside the Court is extremely limited and on a first come basis.
Shortly before 10:00 a.m., the Justices will meet in the Robing Room where they will all shake hands and don their robes.
At 10:00 a.m., oral argument will begin. As the Justices enter the courtroom, the Marshal of the Court will intone:
The Honorable, the Chief Justice and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! All persons having business before the Honorable, the Supreme Court of the United States, are admonished to draw near and give their attention, for the Court is now sitting. God save the United States and this Honorable Court!
The Chief Justice will call our case and invite Charles J. Cooper, attorney for the Proponents of Proposition 8, to the lectern. He has 30 minutes to make his argument.
Once Mr. Cooper has concluded, the Chief Justice will invite AFER lead co-counsel Ted Olson to the lectern. He has twenty minutes to make his argument.
After Mr. Olson has completed his argument, the Chief Justice will invite Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli, Jr. to the lectern. The Solicitor General has 10 minutes to make his argument for the United States as amicus curiae, or “friend of the Court,” in support of AFER’s Plaintiffs.
If he has reserved time for rebuttal, Mr. Cooper will then have a few minutes to address the Court.
Once oral argument is concluded, the case is submitted for consideration. The Justices will vote at their private Conference on Friday, March 29. A final decision is expected by the end of June.
The eyes of not only our nation, but the world are upon this court. Will we continue to be the champions of freedom and human rights? Or are we giving up progression for burying our heads in the sand while the rest of the world continues to surpass us? I truly hope the Supreme Court agrees with me in saying, Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Bunny Eggs and Marshmallow Chicks
Who is ready for Easter? I know I am! Or rather, the day after Easter! That's when I can stockpile my favorite candy! Cadbury Eggs and Peeps! I love these more than any candy available year round, even though peeps are almost every holiday now, they are not the same unless they are the brightly colored chicks! Every year when I see that clucking bunny on TV, it is like Pavlov's dogs, I start to drool! So come Monday after Easter, you will find me hoarding all them eggs and chicks! woohoo! What are your favorite candies from Easter? Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Burly Bear Chris
Strive For Perfection...But Not Too Much?
I was always taught when growing up, that it is important to strive for perfection. Do your best and push yourself further. I like to think that that is exactly what I have done in life. I have tried to do my best. Recently, however, I have experienced a rather disturbing situation. this attempt at perfection has been met with contempt and chastising. Rather then being happy with my successes, others have been angered with them. What happened to celebrating the accomplishments of those close to you? If someone I know is happy with their performance or attempt at something, I am right there to encourage and relish in their accomplishments. I am not saying i need a parade or a national holiday named after me, but a simple, "Way to go!" or, "I knew you could do it!" would go a lot further than, "Whatever." or "Shut up!" What do you think? Is it better to strive for perfection, or settle for mediocre? Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Burly Bear Chris
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Words To Live By
Now, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum,
What might be right for you, may not be right for some.
A man is born, he's a man of means.
Then along come two, they got nothing but their jeans.
But they got, Diff'rent Strokes.
It takes, Diff'rent Strokes.
It takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world.
Everybody's got a special kind of story
Everybody finds a way to shine,
It don't matter that you got not alot
So what,
They'll have theirs, and you'll have yours, and I'll have mine.
And together we'll be fine....
Because it takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world.
Yes it does.
It takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world.
I know, a bit corny. But really look at the lyrics. Here these lyrics were written 35 years ago, yet they are just as on point today as they were then. We do not all have to be exactly alike to get along. Just respect each others differences. Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
You Ought To Be In Pictures
If a movie does its job, while watching it you temporally get to leave reality behind. You are submersed into an imaginary world. It is only when the movie is over we are thrust back into reality. But what if you didn't have to left the illusion end? Supposed you could choose one movie where you could spend out your days in? What movie would it be? Would it be a animated fantasy world? Would it be a SciFi space ship? The dusty plains from a Western? I think if I had to choose one from the movies I have seen I don't think I could pick one. I have actually given this some serious (well, semi-serious) thought and I truly cannot come up with one to live forever in. I am curious to see if I am just indecisive or if there are others like myself. What would you choose? Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Burly Bear Chris
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Drum Roll Please!
Here it is! My 100th post! Woohoo! As I reach this momentous occasion it is now time for a statistics update!
- Posts: 100
- Page Views: 4339
- Most Popular Post:
- Top Ten Countries:
United States 2982
Germany 239
Sweden 106
United Kingdom 99
France 80
Ukraine 47
China 44
Canada 40
Australia 33
Japan 30
- Most Popular Browser : Firefox
- Most Popular Operating System: Windows
I just want to thank you all for reading and following! I couldn't have gotten this far without your support. Love to all!!
Burly Bear Chris
Monday, March 18, 2013
Grandma's Recipes
Not too long ago, I shared with you all my grandmother's recipe for Butterscotch Icebox Cookies. My grandmother was an excellent cook. When my mother was just a very little girl, grandma operated a bus stop diner in Indiana called Peggy's Diner. She never lost that mid-western, meat and potatoes style cooking and those are my favorite recipes that have been passed unto me. I was going through the recipe box and thought "why not share more of these?" so, I am. The first one I will share shows grandma, although she rarely smiled, had a good sense of humor.
Elephant Stew
1 Elephant
1 Barrel of Brown Gravy
2 Rabbits (Optional)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Clean and cut up elephant into bite size pieces. This should take about 2 months.
Coat with brown gravy and cook over a kerosene fire for about 4 weeks at 465 degrees
This will serve 3,800 people. If more are expected, add the 2 rabbits, but only do this if necessary, as most people dot NOT like to find hare in their stew.
Hope you enjoyed and feel free to pass along. Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Sunday, March 17, 2013
A little bit of Ireland
IRISH BLESSINGS May you always have walls for the winds, a roof for the rain, tea beside the fire, laughter to cheer you, those you love near you, and all your heart might desire.
May St. Patrick guard you wherever you go, and guide you in whatever you do-- and may his loving protection be a blessing to you always.
May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields and, Until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
May you have love that never ends, lots of money, and lots of friends. Health be yours, whatever you do, and may God send many blessings to you!
May the sun shine, all day long, everything go right, and nothing wrong. May those you love bring love back to you, and may all the wishes you wish come true!
May your feet never sweat, your neighbor give you ne're a treat. When flowers bloom, I hope you'll not sneeze, and may you always have someone to sqeeze!
I-rish you a very nice place to live, I-rish God's greatest gifts he'll give. I-rish you health, and wealth, and more-- I-rish your smilin' face were at my door!
May you have: A world of wishes at your command. God and his angels close to hand. Friends and family their love impart, and Irish blessings in your heart!
May you alway walk in sunshine. May you never want for more. May Irish angels rest their wings right beside your door.
May God grant you many years to live, For sure he must be knowing. The earth has angels all too few. And heaven is overflowing.
May you have the hindsight to know where you've been the foresight to know where you're going and the insight to know when you're going too far.
May God grant you always... A sunbeam to warm you, A moonbeam to charm you, A sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you.
May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night, and the road downhill all the way to your door.
May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light. May good luck pursue you each morning and night.
For each petal on the shamrock. This brings a wish your way Good health, good luck, and happiness For today and every day.
May the Irish hills caress you. May her lakes and rivers bless you. May the luck of the Irish enfold you. May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you.
May peace and plenty be the first, To lift the latch to your door. And happiness be guided to your home, By the candle of Christmas.
May the embers from the open hearth warm your hands, May the sun's rays from the Irish sky warm your face, May the children's bright smiles warm your heart, May the everlasting love I give you warm your soul.
May you always have work for your hands to do. May your pockets hold always a coin or two. May the sun shine bright on your windowpane. May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you. And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
May your thoughts be as glad as the shamrocks, May your heart be as light as a song, May each day bring you bright, happy hours, That stay with you all the year long.
Leprechauns, castles, good luck and laughter. Lullabies, dreams and love ever after. A thousand welcomes when anyone comes... That's the Irish for You!
May the good saints protect you, And bless you today. And may troubles ignore you, Each step of the way.
May joy and peace surround you, Contentment latch your door, And happiness be with you now, And bless you evermore.
May the saint protect ye- An' sorrow neglect ye, An' bad luck to the one That doesn't respect ye t' all that belong to ye, An long life t' yer honor- That's the end of my song t' ye!
May good luck be your friend IN whatever you do. And may trouble be always A stranger to you.
May your blessings outnumber The Shamrocks that grow. And may trouble avoid you Wherever you go.
These things, I warmly wish for you- Someone to love, some work to do, A bit of o' sun, a bit o' cheer. And a guardian angel always near.
Whenever there is happiness Hope you'll be there too, Wherever there are friendly smiles Hope they'll smile on you, Whenever there is sunshine, Hope it shine especially for you to make each day for you as bright as it can be.
May your troubles be less, And your blessing be more. And nothing but happiness, Come through your door.
May brooks and trees and singing hills Join in the chorus too, And every gentle wind that blows Send happiness to you.
Lucky stars above you, Sunshine on your way, Many friends to love you, Joy in work and play- Laughter to outweigh each care, In your heart a song- And gladness waiting everywhere All your whole life long!
When the first light of sun- Bless you. When the long day is done- Bless you. In your smiles and your tears- Bless you. Through each day of your years- Bless you.
May the raindrops fall lightly on your brow. May the soft winds freshen your spirit. May the sunshine brighten your heart May the burdens of the day rest lightly upon you. And may God enfold you in the mantle of His love.
He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses more; He who loses faith, loses all.
May you enjoy the four greatest blessings: Honest work to occupy you. A hearty appetite to sustain you. A good woman to love you. And a wink from the God above.
May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun. And find your shoulder to light on. To bring you luck, happiness and riches. Today, tomorrow and beyond.
May you live a long life Full of gladness and health, With a pocket full of gold As the least of you wealth. May the dreams you hold dearest, Be those which come true, The kindness you spread, Keep returning to you.
May the friendships you make, Be those which endure, And all of your grey clouds Be small ones for sure. And trusting in Him To Whom we all pray, May a song fill your heart, Every step of the way.
AN OLD IRISH WEDDING BLESSING. May God be with you and bless you. May you see your children's children. May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings. May you know nothing but happiness. From this day forward.
I have known many, liked not a few, loved only one, I drink to you.
May you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live.
May the grass grow long on the road to hell for want of use.
May you live to be a hundred years, with one extra year to repent.
As you slide down the banisters of life may the splinters never point the wrong way.
May your troubles be as few and as far apart as my Grandmothers teeth.
May the roof above us never fall in, and may we friends gathered below never fall out.
May there be a generation of children on the children of your children.
May the Lord keep you in His hand and never close His fist too tight.
May your neighbors respect you, Trouble neglect you, The angels protect you, And heaven accept you.
May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light, may good luck pursue you each morning and night.
May the strength of three be in your journey.
In the New Year, may your right hand always be stretched out in friendship and never in want.
Here's that we may always have a clean shirt, a clean conscience, and a guinea in our pocket.
May I see you grey and combing your children's hair.
May you die in bed at ninety-five years, shot by a jealous husband(or wife).
May your doctor never earn a dollar out of you and may your heart never give out.
May the ten toes of your feet steer you clear of all misfortune, and before you're much older, may you hear much better toasts than this.
May you have the hindsight to know where you've been, the foresight to know where you're going and the insight to know when you're going too far.
May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings, slow to make enemies, quick to make friends. But rich or poor, quick or slow, may you know nothing but happiness from this day foward.
May the frost never afflict your spuds.
May the outside leaves of your cabbage always be free from worms.
May the crow never pick your haystack, and may your donkey always be in foal.
May the sound of happy music, And the lilt of Irish laughter, fill your heart with gladness, that stays forever after.
May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty.
May you live long, Die happy, And rate a mansion in heaven.
Beautiful young people are acts of nature, But beautiful old people are works of art.
DRINKING TOASTS. Here's to me, and here's to you, And here's to love and laughter- I'll be true as long as you, And not one moment after.
May your glass be ever full. May the roof over your head be always strong. And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead.
Here's to you and yours, and to mine and ours. And if mine and ours ever come across to you and yours, I hope you and yours will do as much for mine and ours, As mine and ours have done for you and yours!
When we drink, we get drunk. When we get drunk, we fall asleep. When we fall asleep, we commit no sin. When we commit no sin, we go to heaven. So, let's all get drunk, and go to heaven!
Here's to our wives and girlfriends: May they never meet!
IRISH PROVERBS. * A drink precedes a story. * Time is a great story teller. * A friend's eye is a good mirror. * Even a small thorn causes festering. * Good as drink is, it ends in thirst. * It is a long road that has no turning. * As the big hound is, so will the pup be. * A trade not properly learned is an enemy. * Put silk on a goat, and it's still a goat. * When the liquor was gone the fun was gone. * There is no fireside like your own fireside. * It is not a secret if it is known by three people. * It takes time to build castles. Rome was not built in a day. * The man with the boots does not mind where he places his foot. * If you do not sow in the spring you will not reap in the autumn. * When a twig grows hard it is difficult to twist it. Every beginning is weak.
IRISH QUOTATIONS. "St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time -- a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic."~~By Adrienne Cook.~~
"Ireland is rich in literature that understands a soul's yearnings, and dancing that understands a happy heart."~~By Margaret Jackson.~~
"Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and fat."~~By Alex Levine.~~
"Maybe it's bred in the bone, but the sound of pipes is a little bit of heaven to some of us."
~~By Nancy O'Keeefe.~~
"In Ireland the inevitable never happens and the unexpected constantly occurs."
~~By Sir John Pentland Mahaffy.~~
"There is no language like the Irish for soothing and quieting."~~By John Millington Synge.~~
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Know What Your Are Celebrating: St Patty's Day
The History
Saint Patrick was born around 385 AD in the United Kingdom. His real name is believed to be Maewyn Succat (he took on Patrick, or Patricus, after he became a priest). When he was 16, he was kidnapped by a group of Irish raiders and sold into slavery in Ireland. During his six-year captivity as a shepherd, he began to havereligious visions and found strength in his faith. He finally escaped to France and became a priest - and later a bishop. When he was about 60 years old, Saint Patrick returned to Ireland to spread the Christian word. He used the shamrock, which resembles a three-leafed clover, as a metaphor to explain the Christian concept of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).
An Irish Holiday?
The first St. Patrick's Day parade didn't take place in Ireland, but actually in New York City on March 17, 1762. Now, over 100 US cities have St. Patrick's Day parades. New York should be called the Big Shamrock instead of the Big Apple because their parade usually puts the rest of them to shame.
Did U Know?
- Green is associated with St. Patrick's Day because it is the color of spring, Ireland and the shamrock.
- Leprechauns are also associated with St. Patrick's Day, although the only reason they are is because they're Irish. Leprechauns are usually mean little creatures - with the exception of the Lucky Charms guy.
- People give Saint Patrick credit for chasing all the snakes out of Ireland. The truth is that snakes are not indigenous to Ireland.
Read more: St. Patrick's Day | History | Ireland | March 17 | Picture | Legend | Story | Shamrock | Green | Parade | Irish
Friday, March 15, 2013
Friends or Fans
The distinction between a "friend" and a "fan" has become some blurred since the inception of Facebook. Almost immediately after launch, the phenomenon of racing to get more and more and more friends began. I admit, it confused me for quite a long time as to how or why anyone would have 500, 750, or even 1000 "friends" on a social site. The whole point of using such a site was to communicate in one location to all friends and family, but who seriously has that many people to keep connected too? Then it dawned on me. Bing! Light bulb moment. These people are not their friends, but fans. If you look closely, the ones with these crazy numbers of friends tend to be the ones with the most drama. The ones who are constantly complaining, throwing fits, or posting racy photos of themselves. These people are simply in it like watching a daytime talk show, or soap opera. They are simply in it for the drama. And the ones with these high numbers of Facebook friends, tend to be quite anti-social and so negative to be around, that in real life, they have no true friends, so they thrive on the attention of these spectators that are attracted to their bullshit like moths to a flame.So the next time you scratch your head wondering why the craziest people tend to have such high numbers, remember, it is merely the Jerry Springer effect. I can at least say, I know they people on my lists, I socialize regularly with them. And just like here, I love them all.
Burly Bear Chris
Burly Bear Chris
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Will America Become A Police State?
For those of you who cannot recall the definition of a police state from your high school government class, Merriam-Webster defines it as:
As you can see, The US is no longer the Democratic leader. The first nation to be founded on freedom, is handing these freedoms back to government control. We need to rise up as a people, elect the non corruptible leaders who will have OUR best interest in mind, not their wallet's. Its time to wise up people. Like I said, I am not anti-government. what I am , however, is anti-greed. Stop touting one amendment while completely throwing out the next. Freedom for all, not freedom for those who line the pockets. Thats enough for my soapbox today. Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
a political unit characterized by repressive governmental control of political, economic, and social life usually by an arbitrary exercise of power by police and especially secret police in place of regular operation of administrative and judicial organs of the government according to publicly known legal procedures (Merriam-Webster, 2013).Everyday we lose more and more of our own decision making as government decides it knows what is best and takes control of our daily lives. I am not saying all decisions are bad ones. There are some that do make sense and are put in place to make our nation stronger. For instance, airport screening. As intrusive as it may seem, screening is necessary to keep the public safe. There are, however, far too many totalitarian laws being passed, or at the very least, attempting to be passed, that have no effect other then the government looking after its own pockets and selfish needs. For instance, Gay Marriage. Why is gay marriage still illegal in so many states when clearly a majority of the nation would vote approval for it? The answer is money. Politicians are no longer unbiased representatives of the people, but voices bought and paid for by the corporations and lobbyists. The biggest opponent to gay marriage is certain religious organizations. These same organizations financially support many of the politicians who hold office and therefore they vote, like it or not, they way the money tells them. Another example is the "Large Soda" ban that was attempted in NY. Do you really think the ban was spurred by the care for the health of the people? No. People would still drink the same amount, but buy two, thus paying more in taxes. If I were to ask you where you thought the US ranked as far as democracy as compared to the rest of the world, where would you say we fell? We are the land of the free, right? We are the epitome of modern democracy, right? Wrong! The results of a recent study shows the following:
escription |
A map of the world showing the results of The Economist's Democracy Index survey for 2010. Each country's democracy is rated on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the most democratic and 0 being the least democratic. Hong Kong (score 5.85) was also included in the survey but is not visible on this map. Key: Full democracies:
Flawed democracies:
Hybrid regimes:
Authoritarian regimes
Insufficient information, no rating |
As you can see, The US is no longer the Democratic leader. The first nation to be founded on freedom, is handing these freedoms back to government control. We need to rise up as a people, elect the non corruptible leaders who will have OUR best interest in mind, not their wallet's. Its time to wise up people. Like I said, I am not anti-government. what I am , however, is anti-greed. Stop touting one amendment while completely throwing out the next. Freedom for all, not freedom for those who line the pockets. Thats enough for my soapbox today. Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Is This Thing On?
I am beginning to get a little discouraged. I wonder if people are actually reading these things after all. I don't mind the time and energy to write this blog, but what I want most is to create banter and get your input too. I know I am opinionated, but I am not absolute. I know there are things that I can and will be wrong about. If you have a differing opinion, speak up, lets get a dialog going. If you are having difficulty posting comments, let my know in my email. If there is a topic you want to discuss, let me know. If you have questions, ask. At least let me know there is someone out there that is reading these. Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Burly Bear Chris
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Seriously, I'm Surrounded By Idiots!
I am so sick and tired of applying myself and learning the truth about things, only to be out numbered by stupid, ignorant, lazy dumbasses who see something in a meme, or a chain letter and instantly think it is there obligation to share with the world because, What harm if it is not true?" I will tell you the harm. The harm is you might as well hang a huge sign over your head that says, "Too stupid to know better, bend me over and screw me!" You are sending out the message that you are either completely ignorant to the fact that there are people who make stuff up just to scare them, or you are just too damn lazy to care. Turn off the damn TV and pick up a newspaper people! Educate yourself! Do not rely on other's to do it for you. It is now to the point I am going to start cutting people out of my life as I don't need the stress of having to think for them too. Okay, I need a cup of coffee, that is all for now. Love to (almost) all.
Burly Bear Chris
Burly Bear Chris
Monday, March 11, 2013
Movie Review: Oz The Great And Powerful
So I went to see Oz The Great And Powerful this last weekend. I had been patiently waiting for this movie to come out and when was asked if I wanted to go, I said yes before the question was finished. I am a fan of all things Oz. From the 1939 release well all know and love, to Wicked, both book and musical form, and now comes Oz The Great And Powerful, and well, let me just say......Wow! I loved it! I wasn't sure what to expect as far as the storyline with this one, but I loved the direction it took. The set designs were fabulous! The special effects were amazing, and the casting is just perfect! You could not pick a better cast. I want to go in depth with the movie and discuss the nuances but I will not spoil it for anyone. If you have seen it and want to talk about it, then sent me a message and we can outside the blog. If you have not seen it, then you really should go see it! Now, I will say this. If you can't decide between 3D or Standard viewings, I felt there was not enough 3D effects to make it a "Must See In 3D" movie, so enjoy the savings and see the standard. Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Burly Bear Chris
Sunday, March 10, 2013
I Want My Hour Back!
So last night we changed our clocks for daylight savings. My body clock is already so crazy out of whack and when we change the clocks forward, it just makes it all the worse. I understand why daylight savings was created. I get that way back when, it was important to make the most time with the sun. But how much natural light do we actually need since the invention f the light bulb? I think it is high time we just stop the silliness of daylight savings. I get very little sleep and I for one can't afford the loss of an hour, lol. Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Burly Bear Chris
Saturday, March 9, 2013
A Plea To You
As some of you may know, I recently went back to school to get my degree I started many years ago. I have been super excited to get back into studying, writing papers, and all the fun of education. And no, that is not sarcastic, I really do love learning. Its probably the one thing that has always come easy for me. What that means however is that I will not have all the time in the world I once did to keep up my blog to the "Post-a-Day" schedule I promised myself and to you. So here is my plea to you, my readers. I could really use your help in a few ways. The first is topics. Send me your suggestions for topics. when my mind gets locked into writing a paper for school, I tend to get tunnel vision on that topic and my mind goes blank in thinking up one for the blog. In later classes, there may be some I can use for both, but for now, they are rather dull and not worth repeating here. lol. The second way you can help is if there is anyone out there who would like to be a guest blogger for a day, let me know. I will be glad to feature you on here. The third way you can help is to interact, I can see the statistics that there are quite a few of you out there reading these blogs everyday, but virtually no comments on this page. I value your opinions and would be excited to see them so don't be shy. Anyway, I have to get back to more homework, so please, consider my plea. Love to all.
Burly Bear Chris
Burly Bear Chris
Friday, March 8, 2013
Top Ten List Of Stupid Words Or Phrases That People Get Wrong
I think it is about time I address an issue that is a huge pet peeve of mine. The deplorable misuse of the English language. So here is my list of the ten biggest offenders.
- 10.Accept/Except
- Accept means to receive. Except means to exempt or forgive.
- 9. I could care less
- 99 times out of 100 when you hear this, what is meant is that the person could "not" care less.
- 8. Then/Than
- Than compares, Then tells when
- 7. Lie/Lay
- Lie means rest or recline, Lay means to put or place. Chickens lay eggs, humans lie down.
- 6. Affect/Effect
- Affect means influence Effect is the result
- 5. Anyways
- Anyway is inclusive of all, you can not have more than all, never add the s .
- 4. To, Too, Two
- To is directional, Too is also, Two is the number
- 3. Sit/Set
- Set is placement, sit is seated
- 2. There/Their/They're
- There is location, Their is possessive, They're is act of being.
- 1. Your/You're
- Your is ownership, You're is act of being.
Burly Bear Chris
Thursday, March 7, 2013
What did he just say? Lesson In Gay Slang Part 2
Warning!! Not for the easily offended!!!
How did you all do on the first lesson? Did you know as many as you thought you did? Time for lesson 2!- Angel
- Person who takes the bottom position in a relationship.
- Beard
- A man or a woman used as a cover for one's homosexuality.
- Cottage
- A public toilet
- Dutch Boy
- Men (gay or straight) that like to hang out with lesbians.
- Eat
- Fellatio
- French Embassy
- A place like a gym or bathhouse where gay sex is available.
- Gift
- A sexually transmitted disease or infection.
- Helmet
- circumcised
- In Circulation
- One that is not partnered and free for sex
- Joe Blow
- A gay male in a small town
- Kinsey Six
- Someone who is completely homosexual with no bi tendencies
- Lollipop Stop
- A highway rest area used for gay hook ups
- Make a Milk Run
- Cruise a men's restroom
- Number
- Casual sex partner
- Old Blue
- Penis
- Poof
- Derogatory term for gay male
- Queen's Tanks
- Prison cell block for gay men
- Ribbon Clerk
- A woman who enjoys the company of a gay man. Fag hag.
- Shrimping
- Toe sucking
- Tossed Salad
- Anilingus or rimming
- Uranian
- Homosexual, usually found in Europe vernacular
- Water Chestnut
- Japanese gay sailor
- Yard Boy
- A gay male whop prefers sex outdoors
- Zoo Queen
- One who wants to be treated like an animal
Burly Bear Chris
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