
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Misconceptions About Being Fat

Having been big my entire life I have heard just about every misconception, or assumption you can think of about being fat or getting fat. Today, I want to clear a few of them up. But before I do, I want to point out there there is nothing that applies to everyone equally. What may be true for one, does not make it so for all.

  1. You must eat a lot to be fat. This is not true. There are a multitude of reasons why a person gains weight. A few of those reasons could be medications, metabolism, genetics, types of food, even in small amounts. Not all fat people are big eaters just as all skinny ones eat like birds.
  2. Fat people are lazy. Just are there are lazy skinny people, there are highly active fat people. I know several fat people who can do circles around most people I know.
  3. Fat people are moody. There is no direct correlation to moodiness and fatness. There are, however, relations between moodiness and being bullied or picked on, regardless of body size.
  4. Fat people don't get laid. I will gladly compare lists with anyone. There are, in fact , people who either look past a person's weight, or actually physically attracted to larger people.
  5. Fat people have high blood pressure. It is amazing how many people, including Doctors, who automatically assume being fat means high blood pressure or high cholesterol. I have never had either. Just as skinny people can have these, so can fat. Again, this relates to the misconception about food.
  6. Fat people are lonely. It doesn't matter if you are fat, skinny or anywhere in between, loneliness and depression are not discriminatory. 
  7. Fat people don't know they are fat. This one is really...well..stupid. It is just as obviously to them as it is you, your telling them is not necessary.
  8. Fat people don't want to/too lazy to get skinny. Living a life of ridicule, harassment, and judgement is not something anyone wants. For some, it simply is not possible to be skinny, and for others its physically impossible. Again, there are more factors then just food at times.

I hope this helps alleviate some stereotypes out there. I am sure most, if not all, my readers none of this is new to them, and are a bit more educated and compassionate then most. Love to all.

Burly Bear Chris

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