
Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Step In The Right Direction For Scouting

So this week, the Boy Scouts of America took a step in the right direction by finally allowing openly gay boys in the Boy Scouts organization. Of course, this was not without outcries of anger...on both sides. It goes without saying that any step in the direction of diversity will upset the ignorant homophobes out there. But what surprised me were the gay activists who were upset that this was not enough and that gay adults should be allowed to be scout leaders. To my fellow gay activists out there I say this: Celebrate all victories, little or small! Society as well all know too well will not change all at once. Do not piss on the parade of the young men who will now be allowed to continue their pursuit of that Eagle Scout Badge just because the victory was not big enough. Baby steps. As long as they point in the right direction, even baby steps will get us to where we want to go. So in that spirit I say Congrats! to the Boy Scouts for there efforts towards diversity! Love to all.

Burly Bear Chris

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