
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Time For Another...Tale From The Front Desk

So I was working the front desk at the hotel. I had just come one duty and it was rather busy for it being so late. I had several guests checking it at once. When it got busy like this we would swipe the guest's credit card for an authorization and imprint a copy on the registration card. Then, when everyone was in, we would take the authorization and match it with the imprint. When I finish doing this I have an authorization left and an Imprint left that do not match. I look closer. The name on the registration matches the imprint, but the number goes to someone else's name. So I call the credit card authorization company. They put me on hold, then come back and tell me that they have called the police that they have been trying to catch this person for a while. "Great! Excitement!" I think to myself. That thought quickly turned to "Oh Shit! I am going to die!" pretty darn fast. As the police are on their way, they call me. They tell me they are going to be outside and to call the room and get him to come back to the office without him getting suspicious. I ask the officer "How am I supposed to do that?" He then says, "Tell him you found a bag of jewelry by his car and ask if he could come to the office to claim them." I think to myself that "this isn't going to raise suspicion?" He then says for me to make a certain gesture with my arm when he is in the office so they will know. It was to shoo an invisible bug. Again I think, "wow, and none of this is going to raise a question in his head?" So I do as I am told and call the room. The guy seems hesitant at first and I think "Shit, I am going to blow this" So I tell him, "Are you sure its not yours? There was a necklace, a ring and a couple of 20's...""Okay I will be right there!" he says. Now I am getting nervous. I even start to sweat a little. The guy comes into the office and I tell him, "Let me get them from the safe" and then shoo the invisible fly. I had been told earlier to get in the back office and stay there after giving the signal. Just as I enter the back, there is a loud crash and could here the officers yelling at the guy to "Get down! Get on the ground!"  I am scared shitless. I am now on the ground behind the wall waiting for the all clear. after a while an officer steps into the back and says "We got him, but we need you to make it official by identifying him." I walk out of the back thinking they have him in a car outside. No. He is pressed against the counter less then an arm length from me and he is staring directly into my eyes. I had to pinch my cheeks together to keep from crapping myself. The officer asks, "Is this him?" "Yes" I say. the guy then mouths to me. "I am going to get you!" Oh Hell! They then go to his room, arrest a woman who was with him and tear the room to pieces looking for drugs and other stolen property. I had to spend the next 12 hours taking pictures and cataloging everything in the room. I was ever so appreciative of the quiet nights without seeing a sole for many nights to come after that.
Well there you go, another Tale From The Front Desk. Love to all

Burly Bear Chris


dick said...

i bet at that point you wished you had to deal with another guy handcuffed to his

Unknown said...

lol, This was before the handcuff incident.