
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Its A Girl!....Yeah, Why Do I Care Again?

So the BIG rumor is that the Royal Family is expecting a new baby girl. I am happy for them. Congratulations to the young couple. But is it really necessary to warrant news coverage the world over? What is the fascination with celebrities that has people literally tripping over themselves to get glimpses, speak to or photograph them? Celebrities are just human. The eat, drink, and shit the same as everyone else. They do a job. Yes, its a high profile job, but its a job. Some work hard at their job, such as actors. Some are born into it, such as the Royal Family. But seriously, are they jobs that deserve such a fuss? No, not really. It certainly does not deserve taking time on a news program. When I turn on the news, I want to see information that is pertinent to me and things that will effect me. I don't expect hero worshiping to be scheduled in. Save that for the magazines that I can optionally buy. I rather hear crime reports, road closures, local politics or scientific discoveries, then to hear about a baby girl being born in another country to a privileged family and will never have a worry in her life. Anyway, that's my opinion, what's your? Love to all.

Burly Bear Chris

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