
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Will America Become A Police State?

For those of you who cannot recall the definition of a police state from your high school government class, Merriam-Webster defines it as:
 a political unit characterized by repressive governmental control of political, economic, and social life usually by an arbitrary exercise of power by police and especially secret police in place of regular operation of administrative and judicial organs of the government according to publicly known legal procedures (Merriam-Webster, 2013).
Everyday we lose more and more of our own decision making as government decides it knows what is best and takes control of our daily lives. I am not saying all decisions are bad ones. There are some that do make sense and are put in place to make our nation stronger. For instance, airport screening. As intrusive as it may seem, screening is necessary to keep the public safe. There are, however, far too many totalitarian laws being passed, or at the very least, attempting to be passed, that have no effect other then the government looking after its own pockets and selfish needs. For instance, Gay Marriage. Why is gay marriage still illegal in so many states when clearly a majority of the nation would vote approval for it? The answer is money. Politicians are no longer unbiased representatives of the people, but voices bought and paid for by the corporations and lobbyists. The biggest opponent to gay marriage is certain religious organizations. These same organizations financially support many of the politicians who hold office and therefore they vote, like it or not, they way the money tells them. Another example is the "Large Soda" ban that was attempted in NY. Do you really think the ban was spurred by the care for the health of the people? No. People would still drink the same amount, but buy two, thus paying more in taxes. If I were to ask you where you thought the US ranked as far as democracy as compared to the rest of the world, where would you say we fell? We are the land of the free, right? We are the epitome of modern democracy, right? Wrong! The results of a recent study shows the following:

A map of the world showing the results of The Economist's Democracy Index survey for 2010. Each country's democracy is rated on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the most democratic and 0 being the least democratic. Hong Kong (score 5.85) was also included in the survey but is not visible on this map.
Full democracies:
Flawed democracies:
Hybrid regimes:
Authoritarian regimes
Insufficient information, no rating

As you can see, The US is no longer the Democratic leader. The first nation to be founded on freedom, is handing these freedoms back to government control. We need to rise up as a people, elect the non corruptible leaders who will have OUR best interest in mind, not their wallet's. Its time to wise up people. Like I said, I am not anti-government. what I am , however, is anti-greed. Stop touting one amendment  while completely throwing out the next. Freedom for all, not freedom for those who line the pockets. Thats enough for my soapbox today. Love to all.

Burly Bear Chris

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