
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Strive For Perfection...But Not Too Much?

I was always taught when growing up, that it is important to strive for perfection. Do your best and push yourself further. I like to think that that is exactly what I have done in life. I have tried to do my best. Recently, however, I have experienced a rather disturbing situation. this attempt at perfection has been met with contempt and chastising. Rather then being happy with my successes, others have been angered with them. What happened to celebrating the accomplishments of those close to you? If someone I know is happy with their performance or attempt at something, I am right there to encourage and relish in their accomplishments. I am not saying i need a parade or a national holiday named after me, but a simple, "Way to go!" or, "I knew you could do it!" would go a lot further than, "Whatever." or "Shut up!" What do you think? Is it better to strive for perfection, or settle for mediocre? Love to all.

Burly Bear Chris

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