
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sorry, I Am Not Booked On That Guilt Trip.

I am so sick and tired of the constant bombardment of guilt we face each day these days. Everywhere we turn, someone or something is telling us we should feel guilty. First there is TV. Countess ads telling us we should feel guilt for not buying this, or not losing weight, or for enjoying a cigarette, or for not adopting all the animals, or for having this phone and not that phone. We can't even get on Facebook with being hit with post after post saying things like "98% of my friends will not repost this." or "If you really loved me you would post this for an hour." I am just so sick of it! I am to the point that the more guilt you try to lay on me, the more I am going to do the opposite just for principal. Those that know me, know whats in my heart. I don't need to repost a stupid meme for you to know I hate cancer, I love my family, I have the best friends, I support our military or whatever your cause is at the moment. If you really think I need to do that then you are not truly a friend and you should not be on my friends list to begin with.Guilt is especially strong this time of year. Guilt trips for giving someone a card and not another, for gifting someone something that is more expensive then someone else. For calling one and not another. Its enough to make one shut the doors and windows, throw out the TVs and computers and become a recluse. The crazy bear that no one sees. But I refuse to do that. I simply will ignore the guilt thrown at me and continue on. It is not that I don't care, I just feel we have more important things to worry about. Sorry for the rant tonight but it is just something I need to get off my chest. Thanks for listening. Love to all.

Burly Bear Chris

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