
Friday, December 28, 2012

What Does Love Have To Do With It?

If you ask me, these are the three most over used words today. I Love You. These words seem to flow so easily from ones mouth without really understanding the meaning behind it. Maybe I am old fashioned, but these words are not meant to be taken lightly. When you say these words to someone, you are saying, "I know you. I respect you, I accept you for who you are. I devote myself to you. I have made room in my heart for you." Now I am not saying that these words can only be used for your partner, spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend. But also friends, family and anyone you can apply the meaning behind them to. Too many times I hear these words thrown out simply for the sake of obtaining something in return. Whether it me materialistic items like money, cars or homes, or more ethereal items such as admiration, lust or sex.  Each time you carelessly throw out these words, the less special it becomes. When you are with someone and you say these words without proper meaning, you scar that person more and more until they become calloused and jaded. When they hear these words from someone else, they can no longer trust that they mean anything more then "I'm horny" or "Buy me this". Now I know what you are thinking. "But aren't you the one that ends your blogs with Love to all?" Yes, yes I am. But I am not just throwing those out to hear myself say it, nor am I asking for anything in return. I am very in tuned with my feelings and I honestly care about each of you reading this.  I respect you, I accept you for who you are. I devote myself to you. I have made room in my heart for you. I want to be here for you. I want to help you and I want to share with you. I ask for nothing in return. That is why I can say in all honesty, Love to all.

Burly Bear Chris.

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