
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Word Of Thanks

Today's post is a little different. I want to take the opportunity to thank those in my life that, whom without their kindness, I wouldn't be who and where I am today. First and foremost would be my Mom! She instilled in me the values and morals that make me who I am. It was she that showed me it was better to give than receive, to love with an open heart and to listen with an open mind. I want to thank my sisters Michele and Jennifer! They have always been there when I needed a shoulder, and sometimes even a couch. They have also blessed me with the best nieces and nephews an uncle could ever have. Adrian, Ashley, Matthew, Daniel, Hunter and Zarah. They are smart, loving and caring individuals with open minds and voices of reason who stand up and protect others. I am thankful for the many friends I have. You all mean something special to me. You all teach me more and more everyday. I wish I could name each of you, but this is a blog, not War And Peace, lol. Some I have known since childhood, Like Kari, who has been an extension of my family for, dare I say, 30 years! She was there when I had my first drink! Although fuzzy, those are memories that last a lifetime! Some I have known less time, but the bonds are equally strong. Lauri, you are forever my Hodekins! Even across the miles and the busy lives I am so very glad we have never lost that connection. You are going to be the best Surgeon and I am so very proud of your hard work and determination. There is also those that are unconventional friends, like Jake. So many can't see why we would be such good friends after the things we went through, but they don't know you like I do and what a true friend you continue to be. There are the friends I have not known as long, but have easily stepped into my life like they have always been there. Becky, your support and encouragement has meant the world to me, thank you for being my brain twin. Its scary how many time we say and think the same things at the same time, haha. Richard, who is like my little brother I never had. Whenever we need each other, we are always there, Boos for life. Nate, I have made it no secret to you how utterly jealous I am of your talents. And I am not just talking about your artistic abilities. You are one person whose heart rivals my own in its ability to care and hold those past and present dear to you. You encourage me to continually better myself. Arv, you continue to look out for me and guide me along the way. Karl and Lee who always take the time to read this blog and let me know what they think. Your support keeps me going when I feel discouragement creeping in. Then there are those who I have just met yet already made an imprint in my life. Mitch, your youthful optimism and intelligence give me hope that the future will be okay. Rhion, you show me that even with the uncertainty and chaos going on around us, there is still kindness and compassion to be found. I can't say enough how much I am thankful you took a chance and said hello to this shy bear. Like I said before, I wish I could mention everyone by name, but those of you in my life, I say thank you for being there. And for those of you that I may not know yet, but you are reading this, I look forward to see what we can teach each other as well. In all sincerity, Love, and appreciation, to all.

Burly Bear Chris