
Friday, February 15, 2013

Another Tale From The Front Desk

This tale is one that did not happen to me personally, but rather to a close friend of mine. Working at hotel front desk, as with any late night job, is not without its risks, as you will see. One evening I am working at crunching my numbers when I get a call from one of our sister properties. I knew my friend was working so I answered, "Hey bud, whats up?" On the other end all I hear is a loud roar of laughter from what sounds like a group of people. "Hellooo?" I say and finally my friend stops laughing enough to say hello back. He tells me the story, "You are not going to believe what just happened to me. I was working here at the desk when the doors opened. I looked up and there was a man with a mask stand inside the door, but he would not come any closer than the door. I asked him if I could help him and he pulled out a knife and tried to rob me." I was shocked. "Oh no! You must be okay, you are laughing. Why are you laughing anyway?"  He continues with the story, "When he pulled out the knife I could see it was a butter knife. You know, the kind with the tiny dull blade. So I told him to get the hell out of here. He threw the knife at me and it hit the wall about 10 feet from me. When he turned to run away, the cops were pulling in to patrol the parking lot. He ran right into their car. The cops are here still laughing at out clumsy this guy was." After sharing in their enjoyment I hung up, shook my head and went back to work thinking to myself this was yet another story no one else would believe. Hope you enjoyed the tale. Love to all.

Burly Bear Chris

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